Jennifer M. Khalifa, MSW CHES, obtained her Master of Social Work from Boston University and is a Certified Health Education Specialist. For the last 15 years, Jennifer has developed, led, and implemented local and national IPV prevention programming. She is passionate about social welfare, systems change, and providing education and resources to disadvantaged communities and victims of violence. Jennifer has been instrumental in the creation and expansion of Healthy Emotions and Attitudes in Relationships Today (H.E.A.R.T.), an effective teen dating violence prevention program, and has also developed other successful prevention programs addressing intimate partner violence, inclusivity, healthy masculinity, and restorative justice practices. Jennifer has been featured as a guest expert on “The Doctors”, talk radio, as well as in The Los Angeles Times and Orange County Register. Jennifer is a highly sought expert on the topic of intimate partner violence and is frequently a guest lecturer at high schools, colleges and universities, and a guest speaker at national conferences.