Abuse does not discriminate. It can happen to anyone.Children, teens, adults and the elderly all can be victims of abuse.Violence happens in intimate partnerships, parent-child relationships, within the workplace, at church or school, and among ...

Abuse does not discriminate. It can happen to anyone.Children, teens, adults and the elderly all can be victims of abuse.Violence happens in intimate partnerships, parent-child relationships, within the workplace, at church or school, and among ...
Abuse is always a choice, and it is never the victim’s fault. This is essential for anyone to know who is responding to or working with an abuser.Abusers often blame the victim for their problems ...
Most people are familiar with the term “gaslighting,” but how many really know what it means?Our guess is relatively few do.The term gaslighting is often misused because it isn’t understood and is not properly recognized ...
You’ve been the victim of abuse—and now, you’re wondering if it was actually your fault.You’ve spent hours, days, weeks—maybe even years tipping back and forth between two contrasting thought processes:I deserve better than this. I ...
A common question victims of domestic abuse ask is whether or not an abuser can change. In this article, we will explore this question by discussing the psychological and emotional profile of an abuser, whether ...
If you have experienced any form of emotional abuse – whether from a family member, friend, or romantic partner – it can be hard to imagine healing is possible. You may have even resigned yourself ...
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